Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
111 lines
Option Explicit
Sub TabDialog (tc As Form, Items() As String, ActiveTab As Integer, ByVal XPos As Long, ByVal YPos As Long)
'*** Produces Tabbed dialog boxes aka Paradox and Word 6
'*** Forces form to be scaled on Pixels
'*** tc Form on which to operate
'*** Items() Array containing items for tabs dimmed to correct no entities
'*** ActiveTab Current Active Tab passed to/from routine
'*** Xpos,YPos of mouse pointer (0 in no click, just draw)
Dim NoItems As Integer, ItemWidth As Integer
Dim c As Integer, x As Long
Dim x1 As Long
Const LabHeight = 18 '*** Height of labels
Const Offset = 4 '*** Offset from top of screen
Const HighLightCol = &HFFFFFF '*** Colour used for highlighting
Const LowLightCol = &H808080 '*** Colour used for lowlighting
tc.ScaleMode = 3'*** Form must be Pixels!
If ActiveTab = 0 Then '*** Clicked somewhere
If YPos < Offset Or YPos > Offset + LabHeight Then '*** not in tab !
Exit Sub '*** get out
End If
End If
NoItems = UBound(Items)
ItemWidth = (tc.ScaleWidth - 2) / NoItems
'*** Clear existing tabs drawn
tc.Line (0, 0)-(Screen.Width - 2, LabHeight + Offset + 1), tc.BackColor, BF
'*** Draw up initial black lines/boxing
x = 0
For c = 1 To NoItems
tc.Line (x, LabHeight + Offset)-(x, 4 + Offset), 0
tc.Line (x, 4 + Offset)-(x + 4, 0 + Offset), 0
tc.Line (x + 4, 0 + Offset)-(x + ItemWidth - 4, 0 + Offset), 0
tc.Line (x + ItemWidth - 4, 0 + Offset)-(x + ItemWidth, 4 + Offset), 0
tc.Line (x + ItemWidth, 4 + Offset)-(x + ItemWidth, LabHeight + Offset + 2), 0
x = x + ItemWidth
Next c
tc.Line (0, LabHeight + Offset)-(0, tc.ScaleHeight - 1), 0
tc.Line (0, tc.ScaleHeight - 1)-((ItemWidth * NoItems), tc.ScaleHeight - 1), 0
tc.Line ((ItemWidth * NoItems), tc.ScaleHeight - 1)-((ItemWidth * NoItems), LabHeight + Offset), 0
'*** Draw 3D bit around main form
tc.Line (1, LabHeight + Offset)-(1, tc.ScaleHeight - 1), HighLightCol
tc.Line (2, LabHeight + Offset)-(2, tc.ScaleHeight - 1), HighLightCol
tc.Line (2, tc.ScaleHeight - 2)-((ItemWidth * NoItems) - 1, tc.ScaleHeight - 2), LowLightCol
tc.Line (3, tc.ScaleHeight - 3)-((ItemWidth * NoItems) - 2, tc.ScaleHeight - 3), LowLightCol
tc.Line ((ItemWidth * NoItems) - 1, tc.ScaleHeight - 2)-((ItemWidth * NoItems) - 1, LabHeight + Offset), LowLightCol
tc.Line ((ItemWidth * NoItems) - 2, tc.ScaleHeight - 2)-((ItemWidth * NoItems) - 2, LabHeight + Offset), LowLightCol
If XPos <> 0 Then '*** Clicked on tab somewhere, work-out where
ActiveTab = Int(XPos / ItemWidth) + 1
End If
If ActiveTab = 0 Then '*** Just in case make sure one is active
ActiveTab = 1
End If
'*** Draw 3D bit around Active Tab
x = (ActiveTab - 1) * ItemWidth
tc.Line (x + 1, LabHeight + Offset)-(x + 1, 4 + Offset), HighLightCol
tc.Line (x + 1, 4 + Offset)-(x + 4, 1 + 0 + Offset), HighLightCol
tc.Line (x + 2, LabHeight + Offset)-(x + 2, 4 + Offset), HighLightCol
tc.Line (x + 2, 4 + Offset)-(x + 5, 1 + 0 + Offset), HighLightCol
tc.Line (x + 4, 1 + 0 + Offset)-(x + ItemWidth - 4, 1 + 0 + Offset), HighLightCol
tc.Line (x + ItemWidth - 4, 1 + 0 + Offset)-(x + ItemWidth - 1, 4 + Offset), LowLightCol
tc.Line (x + ItemWidth - 1, 4 + Offset)-(x + ItemWidth - 1, LabHeight + Offset + 2), LowLightCol
tc.Line (x + ItemWidth - 5, 1 + 0 + Offset)-(x + ItemWidth - 2, 4 + Offset), LowLightCol
tc.Line (x + ItemWidth - 2, 4 + Offset)-(x + ItemWidth - 2, LabHeight + Offset + 2), LowLightCol
'*** Draw 3D Horz line to the left of active tab
x = 2
x1 = ((ActiveTab - 1) * ItemWidth) + 1
If x <> x1 + 1 Then
tc.Line (x - 1, LabHeight + Offset)-(x1, LabHeight + Offset), 0
tc.Line (x, LabHeight + Offset + 1)-(x1 + 1, LabHeight + Offset + 1), HighLightCol
End If
'*** Draw 3D Horz line to the right of active tab
x = ActiveTab * ItemWidth
x1 = (ItemWidth * NoItems) - 2
If x <> x1 + 2 Then
tc.Line (x, LabHeight + Offset)-(x1 + 1, LabHeight + Offset), 0
tc.Line (x - 1, LabHeight + Offset + 1)-(x1, LabHeight + Offset + 1), HighLightCol
End If
'*** Put Text on tabs
x = 0
tc.CurrentY = Offset + ((LabHeight / 2) - (tc.TextHeight("X") / 2))
For c = 1 To NoItems
If c = ActiveTab Then
tc.FontBold = True
tc.FontBold = False
End If
tc.CurrentX = x + (ItemWidth / 2) - (tc.TextWidth(Trim(Items(c))) / 2)
tc.Print Trim(Items(c));
x = x + ItemWidth
Next c
End Sub